Saturday, January 19, 2008

To what extent is this statement true: The primary factor in the United States adopting a policy of imperialism was economic?

From the United States to all of the other nations, imperialism seemed to be the key to building international empires. Great Britain, France, and Germany were just a few of the nations that wanted to be the largest international empire. Their were two methods of imperialism for the United States to achieve their goal. Formal Imperialism and Informal Imperialism. The difference between the two was that, formal imperialism involved the physical presence of the Mother Country and informal imperialism involved dominating colonies, nations, and regions in numerous ways. Some Social Science experts say that imperialism is just wanting to gain control of many nations and expand their international empires. The United States entire reason for adopting a policy of imperialism was economic to the fullest extent.
With the fact that capitalism was creating social and political disabilities and riping the nation into pieces, made the United States want to adopt imperialism more than ever. In other places capitalism seemed to be doing fine, but that was not happening in the U.S.. Many officials wanted to think this imperialism plan all the way through. Starting from how would this plan benefit the economy and what would be the damaging effects of this plan. Some of the results they came up with were: this policy could possibly stabilize the economy, form agreements for future investments, and would have an enormous decline in domestic conflicts.
For many of the American citizens and government officials this would be the best plan because of all of the people that would benefit from it. With this plan, it guarnteed that the rate of unemployement would decrease dramtically because of the high demand from overseas colonies. In all this was the primary reason that many citizens would agree to adopted this plan. From the working class to the wealthy class and to the government officials. This would pull the United States out of being in great tension with the people who lived there and that is what really matered to everyone.
With adopting this policy, there came an even bigger issue than just making sure that their citizens were happy. While trying to obtain the largest international empire before any other nation did, the United States came across an enemy. Japan was also in the race to gain control of the largest international empire. Both the United States and Japan wanted to gain control of Asia. While the U.S. tried to gain control over China, Japan was going in on Korea, both with one goal in mind, getting control over this one piece of Asia. Not noing of one anothers doings, soon they were to come at a heads and this would eventually lead up to a war if the right measures wasn't taken at this time. With resolutions in mind both country's came with solutions for another and this kept them from having to go into war. Japan and the U.S. had come to an agreement.
With all of the instances that has previously happened, all of them come down to one factor. The United States wanted to adopt the Imperialist policy for many reasons, but the number reason why they wanted to adopt this plan was because of the economic stand point. The United States wanted the best for its nation and it proved to do just that. The imprialism policy created many advantaged and very few disadvantages. With economic being its main reason for the creation of this policy, it was a very good reason to carry this paln out to the fullest.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

How Effective were the Populist Party?

After the Civil War, the economy started to rise, in terms of farmers, land owners, big businesses, and many other organizations for profit. The population of the nation grew larger and the need for production of food grew greater. Americans were using and eating up so much food that there were none or very little to be exported. Because of the demand for food, many of the large factories had to come up with new industrialized material, such as the improvements in the cotton gin, the introduction harvesters,combines, and reapers, stronger plows made up of steel,and specialization in agricultural production. All of these new inventions were improved and very good at producing food at a faster rate than the older machines. But all of the newer productions caused many of the storage and transportation companies to raise there rates. This led to the farmers not being able to afford these ridiculous prices. Some organizations formed due to all of this. They were the Grangers and many Farmer Alliances. These organizations eventually led up to the Populist Party. This party included some of everyone, many of which who had previously had been in organizations that did not succeed. The Populist Party were very effective at achieving all or most of its goals and trying to form an alliance between poor whites and blacks.
When the Populist Party first evolved,their main focus was becoming known and making a difference. In the election of 1892 James Weaver of the Populist Party received 1 million votes from the citizens and even the Electoral College votes. About 1,500 members of the Populist Party were elected into state legislatures, three were elected in gubernatorial elections,five were elected U.S. Senators, and ten were elected to the House of Representatives. Everywhere except the South favored the Populist Party. The South did not like the Populist Party because at the time this party came about, the South was going through Jim Crow Laws and trying to keep whites and blacks segregated while the Populist Party were trying to unite poor whites and blacks. The Populist Party provided financial support and stability to many workers and people who were on strike or down on luck.
In the Presidential election of 1896 many of the government officials were split in two ways. Many did not know whether to go with "Gold Bug" candidate or "pro-silver". The people who were for silver currency did not have a candidate to run for the presidency until William Bryan gave his speech about the silver or gold currency issue. Bryan gave his speech so well that he had almost all of the democrats taken aback. After his speech the Populist Party chose to take him as their candidate for this election. Although the Populist Party chose Bryan as their candidate, many of the mambers of this party were fearful that the goals they worked hard at would be ruined by having a Democratic candidate.
The Populist was becoming more effective each time they achieved something or a goal that they were trying to acheive. Although things seemed to be going well with the Populist Party and their candidate, many Republicans were trying to find ways to defeat the party. They gained votes and got peoples attention by telling them, that if the Populist advised a low protective tariff then that would lead to business closings. This led to the Republican defeat over the Democratic candidate. In all Wiiliam Mckay defeated William Bryan in the Presidential election of 1896. This election also led to the down fall of the Populist Party
When the Populist Party came about, their goals were very thought out and well regulated. In everything they did, they tried to succeed. Many historians have different views of how they thought the Populist Party was. Some say their decline came from the social status and racial discrimination inside and outside of the organization, and other historians say they fought for blacks rights, no matter what other people and groups thought about it. In the years that the Populist Party was around, thier goals, elections, and members were very effective at trying to make a difference in the way that America was running. In terms of everything they did, this party was the most effective of all of the organizations around at the time when they were out.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Thomas Jefferson

As the winner of the Presidential Election of 1800, Thomas Jefferson was viewed as the best fit candidate for the Presidency spot. In spite of the long and hard fought battle between him and Arron Burr, he still managed to gain enough electoral votes to bring him out on top. Jefferson served two terms as President. Instead of a strong Central government, he had other ideas and plans of what he wanted the government to be like. Jefferson's plans to have an agrarian government was his way of saying that a simple government is what would be best for a Republic. In Jefferson's two term Presidency, he would have good days and bad days but would still manage a way to bring himself and the United States out of International, ddomestic, and internal affairs.
In Jefferson's first term as President, everything seemed to be going great. Although there was no where in the Constitution that stated Jefferson could buy land, it was still a big achievement for the United States.When Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory from France for only $15 million, the U.S. inherited a huge piece of land that made it whole. After buying the Louisiana Territory, Jefferson sent two men to navigate the territory and come back with information about the land that would make people start to migrate west.
In his second term as President of the United States, everything started to go wrong. With the Louisiana Purchase came more problems with Britain and France. With no navy to stop Britain and France from seizing American merchant ships the U.S. was in desperate need for help. The events that got out of control when Britain tried to stop lucrative trade between France and the U.S. fr were the Essex decision, Leopard-Chesapeake Incident, Orders in council, Berlin Decree, and Milan Decree. These events began to get out of control because Britain, who now controlled most of the sea was into a conflict with France.
Jefferson was so furious when these events happened that he put into place several Acts he thought would hurt Britain much more than it would hurt the U.S..Thses Acts were theNonintercourse(1806)- Stopped British importation, Embargo(1807)- Hurt the U.S. more than it hurt Britain, Nonintercourse(1809)- Opened trade to France and Britain, and Macon's Bill No.2- Replaced Nonintercourse Act. Many of these Acts did not effect Britain and its trade because Jefferson did not think it through clearly. The Embargo Act ended up hurting the U.S. more than hurting our allies because it prohibited all foreign traded, which stopped all counties from trading with the United States.
From all of the events that happened in the eight years that Thomas Jefferson had been President all happened to better the United States. Although Britain tried hard to make this country fail, Jefferson tried harder to make this country succeed and it did. From the Louisiana Purchase to the end of the Acts that had been set into place by Jefferson the U.S. was still successful at the end. Jefferson had managed to get his country out of many affairs that to place while he was in office.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Articles of Confederation

In June of 1776, the Second Continental Congress formed a government called the Articles of Confederation. They hoped that this government would be in the favor of American independence. Unexpectedly problems began to start with this government. The Articles were insufficent for the newly developed America. The three main features of the Aricle were foreign affairs, domestic affairs and features of the government under the AOC. The Articles of Confederation began to unravel in terms of being a complete and effective government and having too many weaknesses that brought it to its end.

Friday, September 21, 2007

The First and Second Continental Congresses

The first and second Continental Congresses were shaped by differing opinions from the three parties, the Radicals, Moderates, and the Conservatives. Each faction provided convincing arguments for their positions. However, the one that was most persuasive and effective in achieving their goals were the Radicals, due to their belief on wanting independence.

The Radicals were a group of colonial people with the belief of true independence. There were four main people who were Radicals with this belief. From Massachusetts, there were Sam and John Adams, from Virginia there were Patrick Henry and from Pennsylvania, there was Charles Thompson. These Radicals believed that the colonies' relationship with Britain had already surpassed the point where there was no turning back.

The Conservatives had another belief that had nothing to do with the beliefs that the Radicals had. This group of people which contained, John Jay ( New York) and Joseph Galloway ( Pennsylvania), believed that there was still a possibility that the colonies and Britain could reunite. They even proposed a union with them and the colonies be under authority of Britain. If this was to happen, then the colonies and Britain would return to what they had before the drastic change that took place in 1763.

This was a particular group where they were indifferent to weather the relationship between Britain and the colonies could be returned.There were two people in this group and their names were John Dickinson, from Pennsylvania and George Washington, form Virginia. They favored getting the colonies and Britain to reunite than just going totally independent.

The Radicals, Moderates, and the Conservatives, stood for different purposes but only wanted to do what was best for the colonies. If reuniting with Britain or going independent would better the colonies, then they would have to make that sacrifice and enjoy or suffer the consequences. In the end, the Moderates would be okay with anything. The Conservatives plan did not succeed because the Grand Council vetoed their bill to reunite with the British. The Radicals plan did succeed because in reality, they had the most logical plan. The Radicals and the colonies would become independent sooner than later.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Explain how English colonies in the New World were different from one another in terms of government, population, and origin.

The English colonies in the New World, such as Mass Bay, Maryland, Delaware, North Carolina and Georgia, were different from one another in terms of government, population, and origin.

Massachusetts and Maryland were colonies that were strictly based on religious purposes. Maryland was a colony that was given the name "Catholic Haven"and was founded and named after Lord Baltimore in 1634 . The Mass. Bay colony was founded in 1628. These two colonies were founded mainly on the beliefs that the colonies would be a significant part of the New World.

Some colonies were established for all reasons except religious purposes. Economic reasons also played a huge role for some of the colonies. These colonies had views of profit, wealth, and land. Delaware was started by De Lord Warr, for economic ventures. He believed that land for tobacco would make this colony a Royal colony in many ways. North Carolina was another colony that was established based upon economic reasons and set wealth. Both of these colonies were alike together, but different from all of the other colonies.

Georgia was a colony that was extremely different from the other colonies. This colony was established to be a penal colony. Georgia was a colony for prisoners who did not obey the colony rules, laws, and regulations. Founded in 1733, 126 years after the first colony Virginia, Georgia would protect the Carolina's from the Spaniards and the French. Although the other colonies now had slaves, this colony was remarkably keep slavery out and prisoners in.

All of these colonies were established on exceptionally different reasons and for greatly different ambitions. These colonies were established for religious and economic ventures. They were different in terms of population, government, and origin. Some were more lenient than others, and others were more democratic and self righteous. The colonies who wanted to be more religious than others did not understand the colonies that were not like them. Although these colonies may seem like they all were established for the same reason, they are as unique as any person can be.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

John Adams

In the book John Adams, it talks about the main character named John Adams. From his late teens to his adult years, he embarks on a journey as being a devoted father and husband, and also being committed at all the things he did. While on this journey he would discover many things and obstacles but overcame them with knowledge and ambition to excel. Adams would soon come to love and cherish his country in anyway possible.

Growing up in Braintree, Massachusetts, Adams recognized at an early age that fame and fortune did not bring happiness,but happiness came from an habitual contempt of them. As he began to mature, he did not like social gatherings, nor did he enjoy playing cards and dancing. There was no money in his background or no expensive estates. On May 25,1761 John Adams father died at age seventy do to the epidemic influenza. His mother was also the victim of this epidemic but came out of it more than a few times. After his father's death, Adams started feeling and experiencing strength and courage, something he had never felt before. Now all of the self- doubt was beginning to turn into self-esteem and bravery. His father left him an enormous amount of land and also received the house he had grew up in.

When John Adams first met his wife Abigail Smith at the time, she had been just a shy and frail fifteen year old. Most of her childhood consumed of her having insomnia, which made her more delicate and vulnerable than her other two sisters. By the time of her and John Adams wedding, she was more beautiful and extravagant. Although she was not quite twenty, she was what John Adams had been looking for. To them nothing could break them apart, she was his "Diana" and he was her "Lysander". Abigail wanted to show her husband that she was just as hard working and consistent as he was. Nine months after their marriage, their first child was born. Abigail(Nabby) was born July 14,1765. John Quincey was born two years later in the middle of July in 1767.After his two children was born he began thinking of their future immediately.

Not long after their first child was born, John Adams began being surveyor of highways in Braintree.He had only been married for a little while when he began to rise to the fame that he had always wanted. Throughout his adulthood, Adams joined many groups and clubs to perfect him in all ways possible. Adams traveled over two hundred miles by horse at least twice a week. In 1766 Adams was elected selectman of Braintree. Do to all of the amazing things going on in his life, he was forced to move his family to the city, this was something he did not want to do because of health reason. In March of 1770, crisis struck the Adams family when their baby daughter died at the age of one. After the death of his daughter he could not speak of her for many of years. Although he loved his job and his law practice, he loved and cared for his family a lot more. Adams constantly worried for his family, and now Abigail pregnant with their 4th child and his own health as well.

Through out John Adams life, he accomplished many things and goals that he had set for himself. With his wife Abigail by his side he did more things with the help of her, than he could have done by himself. Although many obstacles came their way, the Adams still managed to overcome them. He was a man of his word and always an honest man. He had something positive to say and always loved his family more than anything in the world. John Adams was a graceful man with much integrity and love for his country.