Saturday, January 19, 2008

To what extent is this statement true: The primary factor in the United States adopting a policy of imperialism was economic?

From the United States to all of the other nations, imperialism seemed to be the key to building international empires. Great Britain, France, and Germany were just a few of the nations that wanted to be the largest international empire. Their were two methods of imperialism for the United States to achieve their goal. Formal Imperialism and Informal Imperialism. The difference between the two was that, formal imperialism involved the physical presence of the Mother Country and informal imperialism involved dominating colonies, nations, and regions in numerous ways. Some Social Science experts say that imperialism is just wanting to gain control of many nations and expand their international empires. The United States entire reason for adopting a policy of imperialism was economic to the fullest extent.
With the fact that capitalism was creating social and political disabilities and riping the nation into pieces, made the United States want to adopt imperialism more than ever. In other places capitalism seemed to be doing fine, but that was not happening in the U.S.. Many officials wanted to think this imperialism plan all the way through. Starting from how would this plan benefit the economy and what would be the damaging effects of this plan. Some of the results they came up with were: this policy could possibly stabilize the economy, form agreements for future investments, and would have an enormous decline in domestic conflicts.
For many of the American citizens and government officials this would be the best plan because of all of the people that would benefit from it. With this plan, it guarnteed that the rate of unemployement would decrease dramtically because of the high demand from overseas colonies. In all this was the primary reason that many citizens would agree to adopted this plan. From the working class to the wealthy class and to the government officials. This would pull the United States out of being in great tension with the people who lived there and that is what really matered to everyone.
With adopting this policy, there came an even bigger issue than just making sure that their citizens were happy. While trying to obtain the largest international empire before any other nation did, the United States came across an enemy. Japan was also in the race to gain control of the largest international empire. Both the United States and Japan wanted to gain control of Asia. While the U.S. tried to gain control over China, Japan was going in on Korea, both with one goal in mind, getting control over this one piece of Asia. Not noing of one anothers doings, soon they were to come at a heads and this would eventually lead up to a war if the right measures wasn't taken at this time. With resolutions in mind both country's came with solutions for another and this kept them from having to go into war. Japan and the U.S. had come to an agreement.
With all of the instances that has previously happened, all of them come down to one factor. The United States wanted to adopt the Imperialist policy for many reasons, but the number reason why they wanted to adopt this plan was because of the economic stand point. The United States wanted the best for its nation and it proved to do just that. The imprialism policy created many advantaged and very few disadvantages. With economic being its main reason for the creation of this policy, it was a very good reason to carry this paln out to the fullest.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

How Effective were the Populist Party?

After the Civil War, the economy started to rise, in terms of farmers, land owners, big businesses, and many other organizations for profit. The population of the nation grew larger and the need for production of food grew greater. Americans were using and eating up so much food that there were none or very little to be exported. Because of the demand for food, many of the large factories had to come up with new industrialized material, such as the improvements in the cotton gin, the introduction harvesters,combines, and reapers, stronger plows made up of steel,and specialization in agricultural production. All of these new inventions were improved and very good at producing food at a faster rate than the older machines. But all of the newer productions caused many of the storage and transportation companies to raise there rates. This led to the farmers not being able to afford these ridiculous prices. Some organizations formed due to all of this. They were the Grangers and many Farmer Alliances. These organizations eventually led up to the Populist Party. This party included some of everyone, many of which who had previously had been in organizations that did not succeed. The Populist Party were very effective at achieving all or most of its goals and trying to form an alliance between poor whites and blacks.
When the Populist Party first evolved,their main focus was becoming known and making a difference. In the election of 1892 James Weaver of the Populist Party received 1 million votes from the citizens and even the Electoral College votes. About 1,500 members of the Populist Party were elected into state legislatures, three were elected in gubernatorial elections,five were elected U.S. Senators, and ten were elected to the House of Representatives. Everywhere except the South favored the Populist Party. The South did not like the Populist Party because at the time this party came about, the South was going through Jim Crow Laws and trying to keep whites and blacks segregated while the Populist Party were trying to unite poor whites and blacks. The Populist Party provided financial support and stability to many workers and people who were on strike or down on luck.
In the Presidential election of 1896 many of the government officials were split in two ways. Many did not know whether to go with "Gold Bug" candidate or "pro-silver". The people who were for silver currency did not have a candidate to run for the presidency until William Bryan gave his speech about the silver or gold currency issue. Bryan gave his speech so well that he had almost all of the democrats taken aback. After his speech the Populist Party chose to take him as their candidate for this election. Although the Populist Party chose Bryan as their candidate, many of the mambers of this party were fearful that the goals they worked hard at would be ruined by having a Democratic candidate.
The Populist was becoming more effective each time they achieved something or a goal that they were trying to acheive. Although things seemed to be going well with the Populist Party and their candidate, many Republicans were trying to find ways to defeat the party. They gained votes and got peoples attention by telling them, that if the Populist advised a low protective tariff then that would lead to business closings. This led to the Republican defeat over the Democratic candidate. In all Wiiliam Mckay defeated William Bryan in the Presidential election of 1896. This election also led to the down fall of the Populist Party
When the Populist Party came about, their goals were very thought out and well regulated. In everything they did, they tried to succeed. Many historians have different views of how they thought the Populist Party was. Some say their decline came from the social status and racial discrimination inside and outside of the organization, and other historians say they fought for blacks rights, no matter what other people and groups thought about it. In the years that the Populist Party was around, thier goals, elections, and members were very effective at trying to make a difference in the way that America was running. In terms of everything they did, this party was the most effective of all of the organizations around at the time when they were out.